懷念老歌 4~Always(安可喬治歐陸餐廳)


~~ 咚~~ ~~

生日party 持續還在發燒中...

小森林今天要帶大家去一家 頂級海鮮料理餐聽



歐陸海鮮料理餐廳~UNCLE GEORGE安可喬治

中市南屯區大墩路365號 TEL: 04-24731235


UNCLE GEORGE 在台中已經有10幾年ㄌ~說真ㄉ老闆還真是不錯..10年價格差不多ㄟ

問我多少喔? 嘿嘿~~3ㄍ人去花ㄌ5位數字拉~


偶ㄉ家人 施友友

在這裡我要對請我去的人說...YOU ARE ALWAYS MY FRIEND...3Q...

-= IMAGE 21 =--= IMAGE 21 =-

Always 原唱:Atlantic Stars

Girl you are to me 女孩,對我來說
All that a woman should be 你俱備了女人的一切
And I dedicate my life to you always 我要把我的一生都奉獻給你
The love like yours is real 你的愛是真實的
It must have been sent from up above 那必定是來自上天的恩賜
And I know you'll stay this way, for always 而且我知道你永遠都會是這樣

*And we both know, that our love will grow 我倆都很清楚,愛情也會成長
And forever it will be you and me 永遠都會是你也是我
Ooh your life is sun 你的生命像陽光
Chasing all the rain away 趕走所有的雨水
When you come around you bring a brighter day 當你到來,就帶來燦爛的一天
You're the perfect one 你是如此完美
For me and you forever we'll be 對你我而言,我倆也是永恆
And I will love you so for always

Came with me my sweet 跟我來,親愛的
Let's go make a family 讓我們組成一個家庭
And they will bring us joy, for always

Oh boy I love your soul 噢,男孩,我愛你的靈魂
I can't find enough ways to let you know 我找不到足夠的方式讓你明白
But you can be sure of course, for always (*) 但你一定要相信,永遠相信

Ooh your life is sun 你的生命像陽光
Chasing all the rain away 趕走了所有的雨水
When you come around you bring a brighter day 當你到來,就帶來燦爛的一天
You're the perfect one 你是如此完美
For me and you forever we'll be 對你我而言,我倆也是永恆
And I will love you so for always

I will love you so, for always 我會愛著你,永永遠遠